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The Set-Apart Collective


Just a generation ago it seemed easier to raise children. Now there are more distractions and demonic schemes vying for the attention of your child. If you've decided peers and culture won't be the main influence over your children, and if you hope what your kids learn about Christ will stand up against worldly values and morals, The Set-Apart Collective is for you. Do you desire your children to crave what lasts for eternity? Developing that desire begins at your walk with Jesus. Does your heart yearn for deep attachment with Christ and your children, but commitments and chaotic days crowd out plans you had to grow in Christ? You might feel guilty, because you wonder how to prioritize your own relationship with God. It feels like there's not enough time in a day, and you wonder whether your children will mature a lasting walk with God at a once a week church service. Remember, God entrusted your child to you. You were created for relationship and deep connection with one another and Christ. "The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." Proverbs 14:1 If you’re not purposed in knowing Jesus and showing Him to the next generation, the world will sway them away from Christ. Your child will build identity or confidence through what society or peers preach. There is hope. Christ created connection. He knows the way to your child's heart. You have purpose, privilege, and power to raise godly children through and for Christ. In the Set-Apart Collective you will learn to parent to prepare, not repair. Through short videos, materials, group coaching, one-on-one coaching, a Purposed Parenting Plan, Motherhood Mindset Model, and other key pieces, you will be better equipped to mentor the way to Jesus, establish a strong foundation, and live with an eternal-focused mindset that attracts your children to Christ. Are you ready? The eternity of the next generation depends on us to pursue Christ now.

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