Purposed Parent/Connected Child Podcast Episode 036 - Knowing When to Rest

Welcome to the Terri Hitt – Purposed Parent/Connected Child Podcast
Episode #036 – Knowing When to Rest
This past week has been beautifully exhausting. My middle daughter, the one God used to move my husband and I into a second season of parenting, graduated from high school. Just today I was working in our homeschool room and found the file folder I used for her kindergarten curriculum receipts. How can it be that she has now graduated from high school? I just started teaching her what seems like a few years ago! Mothers, time flies faster than people warn you! That’s why reason it is especially important to be intentional about parenting.
Parenting your child with a godly mindset and lifestyle will be one of the easiest decisions you will ever make. However, planning how to do it and carrying that plan out are some of the hardest choices and actions you will ever make. At every chance, the world will throw you curves. The Bible warns us that the devil prowls looking for whom he can devour. Time with your precious children is short! Even if they don’t know it yet, they are counting on you to grow your walk with Christ and steady them in this world.
I knew from parenting one set of children that the time with them would pass much more quickly than I would desire. How can it be that it seemed to go even faster this second time around? People tried to make us feel old when we professed that God was calling us to bring our precious baby home from China when we were 44 years old. Even some family members tried to convince us that it was not a good idea. Later we found out it was because they had their own struggles and/or fears that they needed to move through.
Following God to bring our girl home was one of the biggest steps of faith my husband and I had taken together. We knew with total certainty that God was calling us to China and we knew that the sweet baby He said was ours was a gift that would bring eternal blessings now and into eternity. We were so right. We knew God was calling us on a mission of faith that would take our relationship with Him deeper than it had been before.
Faith is not a word. Faith is not a feeling. Faith is action. Faith is moving with trust. Faith is believing in the Savior with a blind love that enables you to move without bravery or fear because you lock your gaze and place your hope above. Faith is what brought us two of the biggest gifts of our lives. A more mature walk with our Savior and a precious daughter He brought all the way from around the world.
Our graduate has been such a gift. When God formed her inmost being and knit her together in her birthmother’s womb, He created all those delicate inner parts to perfectly fit into the grafting that would take place into our family. The intricacy of her limbs shaped like mine, her talents, interests, grace, loving nature, everything He pressed into her fits perfectly with us. With God there are no mistakes.
I am forever grateful that the God of the Universe created me to begin parenting again when I thought my journey was complete. I’m thankful He knows so much more than I, the girl who never even thought she would be a mother to one child, let alone four. I’m thankful He entrusted me with His children, and even though I didn’t understand the importance of living with an eternal perspective at the ever-growing depth I do now, or where I hope He will take me, He still allowed me to be the one impressing values and character into those He holds so dear.
Mothers, you stand in the same place. Our stories may be different, but our God is the same. He is allowing you the privilege of raising His children. Will you fulfill His deep desire and expectation that you raise them for Him?
The purpose of the Purposed Parent/Connected Child podcast is to encourage and equip you (and me) to raise children to know, love, hear, and obey Jesus. My heart is so tender for this mission. I deeply desire to use my skills to help you to have such a strong relationship with God through Christ that He flows from you into your children.
This summer I am developing a special Set-Apart Woman/ Set-Apart Mom Collective. I’m excited to share details as soon as I can. I’m also launching one-on-one and group coaching to help you move from one goal to the next to enable you to be a set-apart woman raising set-apart kids. Together, we can raise children who know and honor God. Children who crave Christ over culture and walk against what society thinks a “typical teen” should do or be like. Remember, there are no “typical teens.” It breaks my heart when people experience difficulties and believe that children must go through certain hardships as they develop. With God as your resting place, my hope is that your children will not be typical, but atypical, as they conform to His image and not the image of the world. Am I saying they will be perfect and life will be, too? No. Because the sin within the fallen world will penetrate your home and children in some way. My hope and prayer is that you will be equipped and guarded for those times through your rested purpose through Jesus so that the effects of culture and sin are light and you are mightily equipped through the Lord. If you’d like more information, please feel free to connect with me at info@terrihitt.com.
I have been writing and releasing podcasts since 2020. That’s a lot of content! During the coming summer months, my format for the Live With Eternal Perspective podcast and the Purposed Parent/Connected Child podcasts may look lighter. I may use replays of older episodes at times. It is my goal that you will receive value, despite the content of both podcasts being a little different or shorter at times. While I am working on the collective, I must ensure that I set a pace that honors my family and my Father. At my age, I’ve learned to seek rest, knowing that I can pace myself before I get exhausted as I look to Jesus to guide and carry me. I hope I can mentor that skill to you as you raise children who bring you joy and peace through the journey.
Mothers, on those days you are exhausted, overwhelmed, cranky, or burdened, seek Him. When you think you don’t have time to put aside for the Father, I hope you will use that as a signal to remind you to stop and run to Him. Sit at His feet and delight in His Word. Ask for His guidance and let His sweet spirit be a balm that soothes and protects you, enabling you to meet the needs of your family and self. His desire is not for you to be overwhelmed by the world, but to be overjoyed through Him.
Proverbs 4:5-9 says, “Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Cherish her, and she will exalt you; embrace her, and she will honor you. She will give you a garland to grace your head and present you with a glorious crown.”
Seek Him above all things. Allow God to shape your character, mindset, opinions, decisions, marriage, and parenting. He alone can remove pride, fear, and other insecurities or failures you may have. His desire is that you rely fully on Him and allow Him to transform you into the woman He created you to be. He desires that you allow Him to parent through you. He desires you to rest. Abide in Him. Do you know when to rest? Before you realize you need Him, seek Him. Each day brings the opportunity to decide to rest in Him. His capable arms are waiting to carry you.
Dear Heavenly Father, may Your voice be the one we hear the loudest. We thank you for all You are, for all You have been, and all You will be in our lives and the lives of our children. May we always seek You first and mentor the way to do so to our children. Enable us to follow You with hearts that seek Your purity, love, peace, and joy. Equip us to rest in You before we are overwhelmed. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Thank you for listening to the “Purposed Parent/Connected Child” podcast. This and my “Live With Eternal Perspective” podcast may be found at terrihitt.com, iHeart Radio, Spotify, and they are part of the Spark Media Network. Both podcasts may also now be found on the Edifi app, where you can hear thousands of the best Christian podcasts in one place for your listening enjoyment.
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Remember, if we are not purposed in knowing Jesus ourselves and showing Him to the next generation, the world will sway them away from Christ. I pray that what you hear on this podcast draws you nearer to God and helps you cling to Him, despite any circumstances in your life. Until next week, keep looking Up while focusing on new ways to Parent and Connect With Eternal Perspective.