Purposed Parent Connected Child Podcast Episode 097 - How Do You Enable Your Children to Bear Fruit for Christ?

Welcome to the Purposed Parent/Connected Child podcast – Episode 097 – How Do You Enable Your Children to Bear Fruit for Christ?
Thank you for sharing your day with me. I pray this podcast deepens your walk with Jesus and your children, equipping you to become a set-apart woman and mother raising children to chase Christ over culture.
Adoption is a huge piece of the beautiful story of my family. As a mom to two children born to me and two children brought to our family after they were born, I am thankful God chose us for all four. The creator of heaven and earth knew who would be a member of our home and heart. I’m so thankful God weaved the blessing of adoption through the gospel.
I bring adoption up in this episode about enabling children to bear fruit for Christ because just last week I was asked whether my two daughters from China took to each other right away. I have to say that God was good. The girls have NEVER fought with one another or ignored each other. In fact, they’ve always been kind to one another. But their relationship has grown into a sister bond over time.
As I’ve watched their communication and love blossom, I have noticed that it has grown stronger and more resilient as they have purposely matured their walk with Jesus. I trust that is the reason they’ve never had fights or been unkind to one another. In fact, I receive SUCH joy hearing them communicate with each other throughout the day. I truly tingle with delight inside when I listen to them. God has filled my cup to overflowing with them. Praise Jesus!
As Christian parents, we receive a great thrill when we see fruits of the Spirit evident in our believing children. Well, I’d better clarify…of course, your greatest parenting delight should be when your child accepts Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior, but after that, deep joy abounds when you begin to see evidence of their walk with Jesus appear in their daily words, desires, and actions.
That is what I’ve observed with my girls. But it all takes concentrated effort. Just as the Bible tells us in James 4:8a, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” As they have drawn nearer to Him it has given them a deeper love for one another. Because of that love they have a mutual respect and extend courtesy between them.
Think back to when you first followed Jesus. You may have jumped into your new life with both feet and submitted easily to His guidance and love. Or you may have slowly submitted self to Him more and more over time. Either way, wouldn’t you agree that the way you exhibit Christ’s influence in your life dictates the level of depth in your Christian walk?
Consider your children. Have you seen differences in the way your child lives and reacts after they followed Christ? If not, there are ways you can help them begin to bear fruit for Christ.
Most of the time growth in Christ is difficult, unless the follower is regularly in the Word. Reading the Bible, seeking God’s wisdom, and communicating with Him through prayer is key to a maturingrelationship.
Just as you can’t grow your marriage, your relationship with your children, or a new friendship without spending time getting to know that person, you can’t live with godly insight or wisdom, let alone fruits of the Spirit - unless you purposely pursue intimacy with God through Jesus.
One top way to help your children pursue Christ with purposed passion is to let them witness you chase God. As you make your relationship with your Heavenly Father evident in natural ways through your lifestyle and desires, you beautifully mentor the way for your children. Are your kids able to see fruits of the Spirit in you? What if they don't? Apologize - to them and God. Tell your children you haven’t been living the way God would want you to - or the way He wants you to model for them. Then begin showing - by example, the way to God.
Let them see you in the Word, but also be in the Word withthem. Don’t make it a religious affair, but rather a relationship– and a commitment to honor God with the children He entrusted to you. Build a connected relationship that allows you to better know, love, and serve God together. Allow your lifestyle to be one that inhales the truths, love, grace, mercy, and wisdom of God. Exhale those qualities onto your children in the way you speak, act, and react to the daily pressures, trials, and triumphs of life.
Another way to help your children begin to exhibit fruits of the Spirit is to look for the natural gifts and talents the Lord gave them. As mom, you probably know your children better than anyone else (except of course, God). Ask Him to reveal what He has purposed for them. Ask Him to show you what interests and talents He bestowed to them when He created them with love and purpose.
For example, my middle daughter began painting at the age of one. God exhibited how faithful He is when He prompted me to buy a Little Tykes art easel at a garage sale before we even had our infant home from China. When I discovered her fascination with paints and saw her delight glowing at an event that had set up easels for older children to paint, I came home and dragged that easel out of my basement. I set it up in her playroom and after spreading an old shower curtain on the floor around the easel, I dabbed several colors of acrylic paint onto a paper plate, and made a hole on one side for her to place her thumb through to hold it. Next, I pulled out paint brushes, and clipped a large sheet of paper to the easel. She has been painting now for 18 years.
Despite many other interests and activities, this is the one that she has persisted in returning to. In fact, I can hear actually her dipping her paintbrush into the cup of water as she paints with watercolors while I work on this episode.
Knowing God gave her talent and the desire to paint, my daughter has always used her work to honor God and showcase His creation. This became one of the ways she bears fruit for Him through action and words as she gives glory to Him. Instead of painting ugliness, she paints light and beauty, especially things of creation or that would beautify a home while instilling joy and peace.
What talents or interests has God crafted into your children? How can you help them find what purpose God gifted them? Help them use that skill for Him.
Serving is another way to teach your children to bear fruit for Christ. Service at home is the first exposure your children will learn. Teaching by example makes the best impression. When they experience your love and dedication, hear you say how grateful you are to serve them because you love them, and you teach them to serve their father and siblings, you are laying a base foundation for service to others. Depending on your life circumstances, extended family members, neighbors, church members, or the elderly in your community are wonderful places to serve next. Because you instilled the act of selflessness in your children at a young age, service will likely become an important piece of their character and actions as they mature.
Galatians 5:22-23 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. “
This passage in the Bible clearly shares what the fruits of the Spirit are. Without knowing these fruits given by the Spirit when we belong to Christ, we cannot begin to recognize when they are or aren’t in use.
Another beautiful way to see fruits mature in your children is to make this passage of Scripture known to them. Remind them of the way the Holy Spirit transforms us into a new being. Remind them how through Jesus, they are no longer bound by sin. Teach them to invite the Holy Spirit to bring forth the fruits of love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in their lives to benefit others and grow their walk with Jesus. Equip them to these fruits to form godly character and integrity. Help them look for these qualities in themselves and strive to help them shine for Christ.
I’m still amazed that God deposited the Holy Spirit inside me when I became a believer of Christ. Aren’t you in awe that He has done that for you? Instill that wonder in your children as you study God’s Word together and invite Him into each day with you. As the fragrance of Christ permeates your character and home, your children will be better able to bear fruit for Christ as they recognize and utilize the fruits of the Spirit empowering them.
Dear Heavenly Father, just as Your holy Word says, how great thou art! Oh, God thank you for Your powerful love for us and the children You entrusted us to raise for You. Enable us to mentor a reverence and love for You that makes them bear much fruit. Help us to be a shining example of Your love and grace. Help us to be a model of bearing fruit that lasts. May our children see You so clearly and lovingly that they can’t help but pursue You. We thank you for entrusting Your precious children to our care. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Raising children is challenging. No one has all the answers because each child is unique as are parenting styles and family dynamics. By connecting with and knowing your children as you maintain purposed growth in Christ, you will be better prepared for any situation you face.
That’s why you hear me share about the Set-Apart Collective in this podcast. I work with moms of littles from infancy to upper grade school. Are you a high achieving woman who loves Jesus, but is so busy with the rush of work and daily life that you feel like you’re being drained like the water in your bathtub? Do you yearn to get closer to Jesu and show Him to your kids so you will create a love that will last into eternity? The desire is there, but your days spiral out of control before you even think about opening your Bible.
Do you ever stop to think that you are the first Jesus your child will see? Let me remind you there is hope. There is a way you can be equipped to raise kids who chase Christ over culture. If you want a connected relationship with Christ and your children that leads them to your side and His feet, instead of them seeking validation from peers, I have an 8-step program to move you from frustrated to fulfilled. I will show you how to reflect Jesus in a way that attracts your family to a connected relationship that lasts into eternity.
Remember, godly parenting is rooted in relationship with Christ and the mindset you carry. If you don’t want peers and culture to be the main influence over your child, if you desire to parent to “prepare” your child for eternity with Christ, not repair your relationship with them, the Set-Apart Collective will arm you with a Christ-centered Motherhood Mindset Model™, and create a Purposed Parenting Plan™. You’ll also deepen your identity in Christ so you can mentor the way for your children to do the same. You will be a purposed mother with an intentional mind and heart set on Christ and your family.
Does this sound like a lifeline to help you be that set-apart mom God has entrusted you to be? Visit terrihitt.com/coaching and click the link for a free, no obligation conversation call with me. This is a strategic call where I will hear your biggest struggle and show you how to turn it into a blessing that will bring you closer to Christ and your children. It’s time for believing mothers to be purposed in preparing their children for a lifetime pursuit of Christ. Time is short. Make yours matter for eternity.
One last thing to remember - if you’re not purposed in knowing Jesus and showing Him to the next generation, the world will likely sway your children away from Christ. I pray that what you hear on this podcast enables you to stop being a good mom and focus on being a godly parent. Until next week, keep looking Up while focusing on new ways to parent with eternal purpose and connection with your children and Christ.