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Live With Eternal Perspective Podcast Episode 082 Peace That Guards

Live With Eternal Perspective Podcast Episode 082 Peace That Guards

Welcome to the Terri Hitt – Live With Eternal Perspective Podcast
Episode #082 –Peace That Guards

Thank you for entrusting and investing your precious time with me to grow in Jesus together. I am blessed to be back with you to discuss more ways to live with eternal perspective.
Philippians 4:7 says, “And the peace of God, surpassing all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

About five months ago I felt a warning in my spirit that my sweet golden boy, Max was going to be attacked. There was no reason for the thought. It came on me just as I’ve had random ideas of things to come in the past. Three months after my warning, my Golden Retriever, Max suddenly became ill and passed away on June 18. Our sweet little girl, Misty, our precious Miniature Schnauzer was gone three days later. At the time I wondered if it might be spiritual warfare. The closer we move to God and the more we offer to Him in genuine submission and love to honor and glorify Him, we can be targeted or attacked.

God has spoken to me in similar ways over the years. I am not claiming a be a prophet. I certainly am not one. Nor am I a psychic. I do listen for the voice of God and desire to recognize when He speaks to me. Each of us has a personal connection to our Heavenly Father and I know He speaks intimately to us in the ways we will recognize and appreciate. Just as our Heavenly Father has warned me about things in the past, I appreciate hearing His voice and know it kept me calmer since I already knew something was going to happen to my baby boy. Just as when the Lord warned me about losing my oldest daughter 24 hours before she passed or that my father would pass away in 2013, and multiple other events.

On the day our Golden Retriever passed away, I was driving home from the emergency veterinary clinic when I felt the same voice in my spirit tell me that “I would be attacked next.” I didn’t tell anyone about it except my husband. Almost two months later, I am not surprised that my doctor recently asked me to return for a second mammogram, then told me that I need to go in for a biopsy. Even through this season, I know that God is going before me and has everything under control. There is a peace that passes understanding girding my spirit and mind.

Yesterday as I was sitting at a doctor’s appointment with my youngest daughter, I received a call from my doctor that proves God is paving the way as she explained that she wanted me to switch biopsy providers and was making a new referral for me. It was to the medical center I had hoped to go to, but had not mentioned it because I did not think it could be done. A bubble of peace and calm continues to surround and carry me.

Are you like me? It’s actually easier to handle medical concerns and conditions about myself than it is regarding my children. I would much prefer to take on all their battles, and bear their wounds. Yet our sovereign God knows exactly what each of us needs to endure or face that will bring Him honor and glory in not only our life, but also those around us and anyone we may come into contact with. What our child faces will develop relationship with God (for each of us) if we foster a loving mentorship that leads directly to Him.

My youngest has testing scheduled right after my biopsy that will not be pleasant for her. I have been seeking and beginning dialogues with her in an effort to prepare and build her reliance on the only One who can handle anything she feels or experiences in perfect ways and measures designed to mature her walk with Him in glorious ways. No matter how involved I am in the care she receives, He will know, understand, and minister to her in intimate ways she may not have voiced to me or even yet understand herself. How privileged I am to have a small part in the development of her present, future, and eternity.

Philippians 4:4-9 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be apparent to all. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think on these things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”

How would God define peace? I am positive the Creator of all things, our Holy, Omnipotent God would describe peace much more profoundly than I can. In my weak, human mind, I suspect the peace of God is not only a calmness that erases worry in our mind and attitude. I believe the peace of God is a complete and supernatural presence of Almighty God going before us and carrying us in His capable and loving arms, holding us near enough to feel the beating of His heart against us, filling us with the courage and resolve to continue the journey.

As I stated on the podcast last week, I am spending time with my girls preparing for our new school year, doing last minute activities from our summer “to do” list, and taking care of the personal needs I expressed. Instead of a long podcast with new topics in this episode, I want to direct you to past episodes reminding each of us to look Up to the only one who can offer us and sustain us with the peace we need in this world.

So many are in need of peace at this moment. Peace is a necessity that often escapes us. I know that in my own life when I feel the fraying of nerves begin and even an inkling of frustration or unrest threatens to invade my spirit, it is an opportunity to choose. Do I want to sit in my emotions, feelings, thoughts, worries, or fears – or will I recognize the opportunity to trust in God?

Today, after several medical phone calls and a tight schedule, I knew I needed to rest in God’s word. Yet as wonderful as it is to do so, the first thing I knew I needed was a quiet time to simply sit with God and speak to Him about my feelings and clear my mind and heart to hear Him speak to me. After my time of reflection and prayer, I listened to God’s word on audio instead of reading it myself. Sometimes it is enlightening to hear another speak the words of God and simply listen without reading and studying as I go. Just hearing God’s powerful words, instructions, and promises to me left my spirit calmer and I felt I had taken the opportunity to make a sharp detour away from the course my flesh may have gone earlier.

God is the beacon guiding me through any storm and the anchor securing me in a world of chaos and confusion. Yet I must choose to follow Him. Each moment allows me that opportunity to embrace the option to follow self, world, or the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

I invite you to listen to a few “Live With Eternal Perspective” podcast episodes that will help foster the peace only God can give.

Episode 2 – Protecting Our Thoughts
Episode 14 – Fear
Episode 21 – Peace That Passes Understanding
Episode 72 – Faith That Perseveres

These episodes point to our Father and the calm He lovingly and willingly promises to those who trust in Him. John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

Father God, You alone are Holy. You are sovereign. You are good. Thank you for allowing me to choose to place my trust in You. Relationship is sweet when we choose the one we are with. I choose You, God. Thank you for the work you have done and continue to do in me. Help me to seek you despite the chaos and confusing messages of this world. You are the foundation I need to build my life on and my trust in. May Your words be buried inside me to draw me ever nearer to You and may Your spirit shine forth from me to light the way for others. Thank you for the choice to be with You and be made new each moment. In the precious name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Thank you for listening to this podcast. Please visit to access podcast episodes housed in one convenient location, read blog posts, transcripts, and access additional resources designed to mature your walk with Jesus through an eternal perspective and encourage you to raise or influence children to choose Christ over culture.

I pray this podcast draws you nearer to God and helps you cling to Him, despite any circumstances in your life. Until next week, keep looking Up while focusing on ways to Live With Eternal Perspective.

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