Live With Eternal Perspective Podcast Episode 089 - Ignite the Fire of Learning with Sheila Carroll
Welcome to the Terri Hitt – Live With Eternal Perspective Podcast
Episode #089 – Ignite the Fire of Learning with Sheila Carroll – Part 1
Thank you for entrusting and investing your precious time with me to grow in Jesus together. I am blessed to be back with you to discuss more ways to live with eternal perspective.
Last week on the podcast I began a series about homeschooling children. If you haven’t yet listened to the Live With Eternal Perspective Episode 88, “Godly Instruction,” I invite you to do so before diving into the treasures you will hear in this two-part interview I begin today.
I am very delighted to introduce you to my guest, Sheila Carroll. Sheila is the founder of Living Books Curriculum, a literature-rich method of study inspired by the work of Charlotte Mason. Sheila has masters’ degrees in Children’s Literature and in Educational Leadership. She is an author, educational consultant, and professional storyteller. She and her husband also have a nonprofit, “Worldwide Educational Resources,” which aids and educates children in West Africa using the Charlotte Mason method.
Currently, Sheila is a story coach and narrative therapist, helping home-based entrepreneurs, ministers, therapists and creative-types to discover and heal their God-given story and speak it with an authentic voice.
Sheila speaks to parents, organizations, and thought leaders. Best of all, Sheila is a mother and grandmother who home educated for 25 years, and lives in Michigan with her husband and four alpacas.
In addition to the creation of LBC curriculum, Sheila is the author of various books and audios, and I will list them in the transcripts of this episode, which you can read on my website at
Books by Sheila Carroll:
Putting the World In A Nutshell: The Art of the Formula Tale. (H.W. Wilson)
Aesop Fables with Scripture References, editor (Living Books Press)
Storytelling: A Creative Teaching Strategy (Storytime Productions)
The Extraordinary Cat and Other Stories (Audio)
Stories of the Long Christmas (audio)
Sheila is a precious friend of mine. Each time I speak with her I imagine myself sitting at her feet, gleaning much wisdom and guidance. I could chat for hours and not have enough time with her. I pray you learn just what you need to hear today as you listen to our conversation.
------------------------------------------------- INTERVIEW -----------------------------------------------
Friends, did you hear words that encouraged you or better equipped you today? If so, I invite you to listen to Part 2 of this interview next week when Sheila and I dig deeper into methods and instructions to encourage your heart and provide you with practical tips and tools to ignite the fire of learning in your child and help your days at home together run more smoothly. What we do is ultimately for the Lord and the blessings of homeschooling reaches well into the eternal heart and mindset of each of our children.
Father God, thank You for all You are and do in our lives. Thank you so much for the opportunity to educate our children at home. You tell us in Your word that parents are to bring our children up in the training and instruction of You. You allow us the privilege of raising and knowing Your precious children, of loving them and discerning through Your guidance what is right for them and the person You have created them to be. Thank you for entrusting us, mere humans, to hold and carry such a sacred role. Father, for those educating their children at home, or praying about doing so, please guide and direct their heart and thoughts. Father, I personally thank you humbly for the opportunity I have to be at home with my girls. I do not take the position as a home educator lightly and although I know I may fall short in my own eyes at times, I pray that You equip and guide me, as well as those listening to not heed our thoughts or emotions, but to continue to keep our mind, eyes, and hearts directed upward to You alone. Bless our homes, our schools, our relationships with each other, and our walk with You through this journey. Move those who need to begin teaching at home to do so and encourage those who are weary and refresh their spirit and attitude. We thank You, Father, for You are so good. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Thank you for listening to this podcast. Please visit to access podcast episodes housed in one convenient location, read blog posts, transcripts, and access additional resources designed to mature your walk with Jesus through an eternal perspective and encourage you to raise or influence children to choose Christ over culture.
I pray this podcast draws you nearer to God and helps you cling to Him, despite any circumstances in your life. Until next week, keep looking Up while focusing on new ways to Live With Eternal Perspective.