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Terri Hitt

The world continuously pushes messages of self: self-awareness, self-focus, self-esteem, self-identity. Friends tell us to be strong when we face adversary. Quotes instruct us to look within for strength. Instead of asking for prayer, people often ask for “good vibes.”

What we need is to read and practice the truths in the Bible. Understanding and believing Christ will set us free. Otherwise, we just become self-absorbed.

When we are believers in Christ, followers of Jesus, He abides in us. His power lives in us. We have all we need. But do we believe that truth? Do we live like it?

“Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” Philippians 2:12b-13

Are you asking God to work in you to do His good pleasure? Do you desire to be blameless and harmless as you shine His light into this dark world?

Those of us who confess to be Christians must actually practice the very same discipline that Jesus employed when He obeyed God.

The truth is that God actually helps us desire obedience to Him!

When Christ lives in us, and we direct our hearts to obedience in and through Him, we have direct access to His strength.

Are you growing a personal relationship with Him?

Simply ask Him to give you the desire to want to do His will and ask Him for the strength and obedience to follow and obey Him. And mean it.

If we train ourselves to think like Christ through daily reading of His word, relying on the indwelling Holy Spirit to give us wisdom and understanding, follow Him in loving submissiveness, and serve others as He calls us to, we will gain access to a deeper walk with Him and even more desire to follow as He directs.

As we follow Him, we gain even more desire to do so.

He wants obedient and submissive hearts. Are you harnessing the full power of Christ in your life? None of us are.

“So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, it will be opened.” Luke 11:9

I believe there is so much we are missing out on. This world does not have the answers. Christ does.

The miracle of the Holy Spirit alive in us and the blessing of prayer and the power it holds are mysteries we are barely tapping into.

Don’t look within. Don’t look around at what others have or are doing. Look Up to find all you need.

Then start claiming what He promises to those who love and obey Him.


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