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A Heated Topic
What are the seemingly small facets in our life that are holding us back mentally, as well as spiritually?
He Grafted our Family and Home Through Adoption
Since I've had the blessing of being a bio and an adoptive mom, I can confidently share that there is absolutely no difference.
Christ Over Culture
Culture is changing at a rapid pace. Look around, listen, and let God speak to your heart. What do you think he feels when He sees the condi
Where is Passion for Christ?
Christians have been complacent; we've been lazy. We are at risk of losing our right to worship, freely express beliefs, and follow the Lor
A Humble Spirit
God knows that the areas He blesses us in are sometimes our weakest spots. It’s easier for us to be deceived and think that we can handle so
Not My Real Mom
Earlier this week I heard words that I knew might one day be said. In 15 years of adoptive parenting, they had never been spoken to me.
Dark Pain
When we’ve been hurt, trusting that God is good can be extremely difficult. Where was He when the bad things or acts happened?
What Do They See?
If we express joy when loved ones come into our presence, we are allowing them to be cherished without a word. If eyes are the windows to ou
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