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No Separation

Terri Hitt

Yesterday was the anniversary of my daughter, Jaime’s death. In the year she passed, the date fell on Martin Luther King day. For me, when the days are separated, as they are this year, it feels like there are two anniversary dates. Although she is always present in my heart and thoughts, having two dates of remembrance leave her lingering in my memories a little more strongly.

Yet, I do not grieve as one without hope.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 expresses best what I feel in my spirit. “But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.”

I will see her again. That truth is knitted into my heart and thoughts.

As long as we are believers, we suffer no separation from beloved believers who have passed before us. There is no encouragement in the world that comforts me the way that God’s word does.

My days are so short. My time is numbered. The days of my children and grandchildren are numbered.

There is nothing better I can do with my time than to grow in knowledge and faith of my Lord Jesus and allow Him to shine to others.

Let Him penetrate your mind and heart, too.

The greatest joy I have in life is trusting Jesus and leaning on His strength and accepting His joy and love. I receive delight through relying on Christ, and in teaching Him to my children. Whether I am mentoring my grown son and grandson or teaching my girls in daily life or homeschool, there is a constant peace that buoys me.

Seek Him. Secure yourself in His word. Rest at His feet. Nothing in life is more important than finding His truths and abiding in Him.

Make time today.

Indeed I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and indeed, all is vanity and grasping for the wind.” Ecclesiates 7:25

I cannot sorrow as one without hope. For I carry the light of Jesus in my soul and one day I will stand face-to-face with Him. After we embrace, I will anxiously seek my first-born child. When I find her, my soul will delight with joy that will last for eternity.


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